Having Fun in the Sun: Five Tips for a Safe and Healthy Summer

June 6, 2023

Summer has arrived! The month of June brings smiles, laughter, and fun in the sun, but it’s not always easy to stay healthy and safe during the summer months. Summertime blues can be hard to snap out of, but there are a multitude of coping strategies to meet your needs. Here are five ways to start your healthy and safe summer. 

Stay active and enjoy the outdoors. 

With the change in seasons comes warmer weather! Spring showers are on the wayside, which can mean more opportunities to get outside. Solo or group hikes, kayaking, swimming, and biking are all fun and reasonably priced ways to enjoy the summer sun. Campfires, camping, and drawing with chalk outside are also great ways to enjoy the outdoors and catch some vitamin D. Don’t be afraid to grab a jar of bubbles too! 

Wear sunscreen and bug repellent.  

Spending time outdoors and staying active are useful ways to reduce stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle, but the sun’s rays can put a damper on summertime fun. Wearing sunscreen of at least SPF 15 combats the sun and reduces your risk of developing skin cancer in the long run. Along with wearing SPF, UV protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses are useful ways to keep you looking and feeling cool all summer long.  

Protective clothing can keep you from getting sunburned during the day and from nasty bug bites at night. Pair long sleeves with your favorite bug repellent to keep you out of reach from mosquitos and ticks. 

Eat healthy.  

During the summer months, more fruits and vegetables are available during the harvest season than at any other time of the year. Fruit salads or baking with fruit are an easy way to incorporate fresh foods into your diet. Vegetables can be boiled, fried, or simply tossed in a salad. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are a good source of necessary vitamins and fiber to add to your diet. Produce can be bought from a nearby grocery store or even from local vendors at events like a farmer’s market. On top of enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables, you can support local farmers in your area. 

Avoid tobacco use.  

Quitting isn’t easy, especially not during summer gatherings where social smoking may be present. There is never a bad moment to begin a healthier lifestyle, and there exists a series of free resources to help you get started on your summer wellness journey. 

Stay hydrated.  

As the seasons change, temperatures continue to rise. When enjoying the outdoors, it’s important to be mindful of water consumption as it’s easy to quickly become dehydrated. This chance increases when physical activity becomes involved. For a bit of taste to plain water, slices of fruit can be added to individual bottles or large jugs for sharing. If you’re outside for an extended period of time, be sure to replenish any electrolytes lost through sweat by drinking a sports drink. 

Be sure to contact us at CADS for substance abuse support, recovery, prevention, and treatment services.  

Read more from CADS 

1. Drink Responsibly This Summer 

2. Make Your Steps Towards Recovery Count 

3. Big Tobacco’s Long History of Racial Discrimination 

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