CADS Raises Awareness During Alcohol Awareness Month

April 1, 2019

April is Alcohol Awareness Month and the Center for Alcohol & Drug Services, Inc. is taking the time to raise awareness by understanding the effects it can have on people.

Alcohol is especially prevalent because it is legal, and as a controlled substance lowers anxiety and inhibitions. Not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic, but anyone who is negatively affected by alcohol on a consistent basis is considered to have an alcohol-use disorder.

Though alcohol can have long-term effects, the immediate effects can also be detrimental to one’s health. It is a central nervous system depressant, slowing down mental and bodily processes. With the first drink of alcohol, users may experience a decrease in feelings of anxiety or stress. Drinkers are more likely to feel confident while meeting new people and less concerned with how they are perceived by others. Alcohol is legal and widely accepted in society making it hard to tell the difference between casual use and abuse. Some of the negative consequences of alcohol use includes:

  • Physical harm or illness
  • Loss of coordination
  • Slurred speech
  • Strained relationships
  • Problems at work
  • Financial difficulty

Problem drinkers can also be binge drinkers, which include men who consume five or more alcoholic drinks or women who consume four or more over a two-hour period. Someone addicted to alcohol, may want to stop drinking and not be able to without help. In many cases, prolonged binge drinking can develop into alcoholism. 

Alcohol addiction or alcoholism is craving alcohol and the inability to stop drinking, even when it causes personal or social harm.

Signs someone may be addicted to drinking include the following:

  • Frequently drinking more than intended
  • Wanting to stop drinking but being unable to
  • Developing a tolerance to alcohol
  • Feeling symptoms of withdrawal when stopping
  • Letting personal and professional responsibilities flounder in favor of drinking
  • Spending an extreme amount of time trying to get and drink alcohol

With this month being Alcohol Awareness Month, it is an opportunity to increase awareness and try to understand alcohol addiction. This provides a chance to decrease the stigma surrounding alcohol and its misunderstandings, therefore combatting those barriers preventing treatment and helping those wishing to seek recovery.

Understanding you have a problem is the first step in recovery. Asking for help can be difficult but a necessity if drinking has become every day part of your life. You don’t have to go through recovery alone.

If someone is struggling with addiction, or you need someone to talk to, CADS is here to help. Give us a call at (563) 326-1150. Our lines are available 24 hours a day. We are here for you.

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